
比赛 & 和解倡议



报告有什么重要的? 管理通胀预期.

If we think about it, the tangible evidence of any investigation is typically a 报告. 报告可以采用多种格式和角色. 可能是口头的,也可能是书面的 is consistent is that there’s a communicated expectation established between the requester and the 报告er before the transaction gets underway.

For example, a 妈妈。 calls out to one of her children, “Sally, can you please go to the garage and let me know if the Christmas lights are working?”

Here, this simple inquiry from the 妈妈。, or requester, reflects the 妈妈。's expectation that Sally knows where to find the lights and has enough physical dexterity to plug 然后测试它们的可操作能力. 我们不要忽视莎莉,或者那个 报告er, must actually go through several steps in preparing for her 妈妈。's 报告. First, Sally must find the lights, plug them in, and then watch carefully to observe 它们是否真的在运作. 那么,我们还可以假设莎莉 will put the lights back where she found them before delivering the 报告 to her 妈妈。. Sally may clarify or negotiate the terms of the 报告 by asking, "Do you 还要我检查一下星星装饰吗?的回答会影响莎莉的回答 报告. It is unlikely that Sally will 报告 on the status of the water heater or parked cars also located in the garage if not originally requested.

This doesn’t mean that key pieces of information relating to the household about the water heater or parked cars isn’t present – these items will likely be omitted from the 报告 largely because they were not the focus of the original request and would be considered irrelevant, unless there was a piece of information deemed more important 而不是其他因素  (“Mommmmm, it looks like the car is on fire inside the garage...”).

Additionally, if a father calls out, “Johnny, I’m about to leave for the store in five minutes – can you check the kitchen pantry to see whether we have enough garbage 袋?” This 报告 is more time-sensitive; Johnny must not only go to the appropriate place in the kitchen to find garbage 袋, but he must also make a determination as 多少才算“够”.” This is a subtle detail, but implicit in the requester’s inquiry was an assumption of the 报告er's ability to exercise individual discretion. Johnny was not specifically told – "Hey, there are only three 袋 in the cupboard – I always restock when we get down to two, so confirm this number and 报告 back." Instead, Johnny was provided discretion to make the 报告. 根据约翰尼的报告 the requester will modify their behavior when leaving for the store accordingly.

With our enterprise here, our Board of Trustees and Office of the Chancellor has asked us to study TCU’s relationship with racism, slavery and the 邦联. 我们没有 been explicitly asked what to specifically 报告 back. 然而,这是不言而喻的 that it is difficult for us to ask of ourselves what must be done. 即使是问 for a 报告, the requester often makes assumptions about the ability of the 报告er to find, process and deliver information as typically, the requester asks the 报告er to do something that they either cannot do or are simply not in the position to do 本身.

We in the RRI decided to create a first-year survey 报告 in order to provide tangible proof that this initiative was indeed making progress — no matter how slow and steady 的工作. Skepticism might abound, but one suggestion — should you engage in this work on your own— is to acknowledge that there will be limitations in whatever you decide to 报告 in structure and scope, but these limitations don’t mean that your 报告不能提供有意义的信息.

As perfect can always serve as the nemesis of the good, consistency in making the effort to 报告 back is what is most important here. 另一个建议是 to relieve the pressure to have one 报告 be singularly perfect; it should be thought of as a working draft, always open to another careful reading and additional edit.

Our first-year survey 报告 will be released and shared publicly on 2021年4月21日 on 和解的一天 after undergoing a thorough peer review from both historians 以及我们当地社区的成员. 我们计划提高对和解的认识 Day through our associated podcast, “Reconcile This!,因为我们离日期越来越近.


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